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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My favorite make-up product!

J'appelle Venny Chandra
Je suis indonesienne
Je suis belle
HAHAHAHA *norak dikit abis belajar bahasa prancis*

HALLOOOOO i'm gonna talking about my favorite make up product! sebenarnya ga semuanya gw tulis disini sih.... tapi beberapa make up product aja yang selalu gw pake untuk kuliah (yang umum2).
sorry yahhh my photos nanti so narsis hahaha. soalnya habis norak nyobain tripod baru hehe.
dan gw juga kasih linknya so you bisa liat langsung dari websitenya langsung:)
so, hope you enjoy and useful for you (klo you masih binggung mau beli make up product apa)

 i wear this lipstick like every second pas kuliah hahaha
this lipstick called Rosy Nude 065 by Revlon

this is called Tawny Red by Revlon
sorry about the picture. tapi sihhhh warnanya sama yahhhh
soalnya i googled it, and yang keluar tawny peach semua
jadi tawny peach similar with tawny red, i guess????
I LOVE THIS BLUSH ON so muccchhhh much much much much much ok i'll stop using 'much' word *ehem*
habis pake blush on ini muka jadi keliatan fresh gimana gitu ihik!
 and yes, the brush, i love it too, bobbi brown face blender brush!

ow ow ow this is not a nude lipstick girlsss. this is PhotoReady Concealer 02 by Revlon!
concealer ini hasilnya bukan matte tapi shimmery gitu. so be careful girls kalo mau pake ke kuliah, soalnya you ga mau look so blink blink blink kann?? so tips gw, habis pake this concealer, pake bedak, biar not really blink blink gituuu :)

maybelline terkenal banget sama mascaranya yang oke banget. setuju juga kan girls?
this is The Magnum Volum Express uda jadi my favorite since SHS.
tapi sekarang gw lagi coba yang Volum Express the Falsies juga sih hehe
here you go
 you should try this. ini juga bagus banget. sikatnya yang elastis gitu hehe jadi bisa sambil buat main. *nahloh?!*

the last but not the least, my favoriteee everrrrrrrrrrrrr NYX retractable eyeliner.
kalau untuk kuliah, i always put my eyeliner below the lash line. soalnya lebih terlihat simple dan ga heboh.
dan you tau kan kalo below the lash line itu cepet basah and suka beleber kemana2?
but this eyeliner nga begitu!!
pasti luntur sihhhh... tapi cuma kayak serpihan2 gitu ga sampe beleber2 gitu.
lap pake tissue juga beres hahahaha
soooooo love thisssssssssssssss!!!! ♥

so yeah, hope you enjoy my post.
if you have any question, ask me, i'll answer your question (of course!! i always online 24hours. lebay eh?!) http://www.formspring.me/vennychandraa
ANDDD follow my twitter http://twitter.com/vennychandraa
i'll talk to you guys later. cao! <3


  1. girl things itu banyaaak bener @_@

  2. Kalo bedak biasa pake apa ven?

  3. Vennyy,suka banget sama post yang kali ini!nyeyehehe
    Biasa kamu edit galaxy effect dimana ven?:))

    aku biasa selalu edit foto di adobe photoshop bebbb

  5. Ohh berarti galaxy effectnya di adobe photoshop yah? Hehehehe

  6. You are so pretty! And I find this post useful because I'm kinda lost when it comes to make up stuffs haha. Thank you for your kind words on my Formspring :D

  7. venny... ajarin cara pake eyeliner dnkkk
    aku kesusahan nih pakenya. gk bs2, selalu berantakkan bgt!


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