♥ vennychandra's days! ♥

just click and read! this blog about my favorite, music, beauty, fashion, en blablablaaaaah! :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

social media!

hi guys!
apa kabar kalian semua?
serius loh gw orangnya males banget update blog. setelah bbrp lama almost 1 year kali ya? gw baru mood update blog.. dan ternyata banyak banget temen dan anon2 di formspring yang minta diupdate postnya, ternyata kalian ngikutin blog saya ya? terharu banget :'3

well, semenjak gw menghilang dari peredaran blog, banyak banget perubahan dalam hidup gw, my friendship life, my love life, ya banyak deh yang berubah dan banyak mengajarkan gw pelajaran yang berarti banget. kalau gw cerita, mungkin bisa panjang banget atau mungkin bisa buat novel kali ya? hahaha *lebay*
yaaaaa, walaupun banyak cobaan dalam hidup gw akhir2 ini, gw mesti bisa kuat, karena gw yakin Tuhan merencanakan sesuatu yang indah. kalau kata my bestfriend (vinny), kita yang merencanakan sesuatu, tapi Tuhan yang bertindak. mana yang emang jalan kita dan mana yang engga dan di tunda dulu. dan gw yakin Tuhan pasti udah ngerencanain sesuatu yang indah buat gw, walaupun harus dilalui oleh kesedihan, duka, patah hati, air mata, dan lain lain nya :)

"The best feeling in the world is being loved back by the person you love."

If they don't fight for you, they're not right for you.

"I can't wait for the day when I get to look at you and feel absolutely nothing."

"Sometimes on the road to acquiring wisdom life will beat you down, but you have to stand back up. Because nothing is more beautiful and powerful than a soul who has weather and grown through life's difficulties. Don't regret your time, even the moments that were filled with hurt. Smile because you learned from it all and because you gained enough strength to rise above it all."

"Im a person that doesn't have that many goals or plans. i feel like I'm the wind and I blow through life; it's whatever comes to me. i very much respect nature."



my social mediaaaaaaaa. hehehe.
i joined whatsapp, twitter, instagram, line, messenger, facebook, skype, wechat, foursquare, path, cinemagram, keek, and mavensay! well, kalo whatsapp, twitter, instagram, line, facebook, skype, wechat, foursquare, path udah tau lah yahhhh itu apaa hehe. nahhhh i want introduce you messenger, cinemagram, keek, and mavensay!

Messenger; basically ini tuh aplikasi untuk chatting nya facebook. jadi kurang lebih messenger CUMA tampilan facebook's message.

Cinemagram; ini kayak aplikasi video, tapi video nya no sound, lebih kayak gif image. tapi cara buatnya dari video. get it ga? hahahah if u dont understand, google it deh. its hard to describe cinemagram :p *sorry i failed*

Keek; ini aplikasi video juga tapi ada sound, dan durasi 36detik. sooo bisa video-videoan, mau gwiyomi, mau harlemshake, mau introduce yourself, mau random-randoman juga bisaaaa. asalkan 36 detik. (btw gw join keek dan lmyn aktif jadi banyak video random gw disana :p)

MavenSay; sorryyyy ga ada lambang mavensay nya di gambar diatas, soalnya di folder lainnya hehe. basically ini mirip path, cuma lebih detail, kayak lu bisa share food, fashion, beverage, book, movie. dan gw jujur sih not really like mavensay yah, soalnya lemot banget. dan plusnya dari mavensay, dia kerjasama dengan soundcloud, jadi kalo u review lagu, lagunya bs u denger sampe full. kan kalo path cuma sepatah doang ya kan?

dan sebelum menutup post ini, mau promosi-promosi dulu hehehehe
YAP! add atau follow atau subscribe atau ... (apa itulah sebutannya hahahahaha) gw dong! hehe

whatsapp : sorry its private jadi msg me aja klo u want to add me :)
twitter : http://twitter.com/vennychandraa | @vennychandraa
instagram : http://instagram.com/vennychacha/ | @vennychacha
line : venny.chandra
facebook : http://www.facebook.com/vennychandraa/
skype : vennychandra
weChat : vennychandra
foursquare : Venny Chandra
path : Venny Chandra
cinemagram : vennychandraa
keek : vennychandra
MavenSay : vennychandra

so so so so so follow add subscribe me yaaaahhh???
THANK YOU yang udah mampir my blog, boleh di comment, boleh dibaca, boleh dipelototin, yah whatever deh semua boleh hehe.

love love love love love love you guys! ♥♥♥♥♥

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My favorite indie music/band

post ini ditujukan untuk para anonymous di my formspring yang suka tanya tentang indie music and my fav indie music. here you goooooooooooooooo........

Independent music (often shortened to indie music or indie) is my favorite genre everrrr ♥
menurut gw indie music itu music yang 'ART' banget dan unique banget.
in the fact, indie music jarang ada yang suka karena pada umumnya mereka bilang music ini sangat berat dan susah diterima di kuping masyarakat umum. soalnya gw sering kasih denger lagu2 indie ke temen2 gw dan biasanya mereka suka bilang,"lagu apaan sih ini ven? ga suka gue." dan ngenesnya my sisters bilang,"lu denger lagu apaan sih ven? lagu SETAN ya?"
yah gapapa deh :'3

my friends told me that music indie ini biasa tuh ga ada yang punya labels sendiri maksudnya mereka biasa produksiin sendiri. malah kalo yang udah punya labels/records, ga bisa di bilang indie :|
contohnya kayak SHE&HIM labelnya Merge Records, jadi she&him ga bisa dikatain sebagai Indie Music lagi.
*krik* *sedih*
gimana menurut kaliannnn???? if you have any comments about indie music, please read comments in the below yaaa :)

sooo yapppp, i'm gonna give you a list beberapa my favorite indie music/band.
here you go!


yess i have their album hihihihihihihi *devillaugh*
this is my fav indie band everrrrrrrrrr
i love zooey's voice
dannn kalau mereka konser di jakarta, gw bakal nonton walaupun ticketnya mahalll!

 the sadness moment is when i missed zee avi concert at plaza indonesia
jangan ingetin gw lagi please x'(
  yap yap yap! zee avi orang malaysia lohhhh, lebih tepatnya orang borneo. tapi sekarang dia lebih sering menetap di amerika daripada di malaysia :)
pas gw ke china, di pesawat kan around 7 hours, and luckily ada full album dia di pesawat tv gitu, dengan betahnya selama 7jem perjalanan itu gw cuma dengerin lagu dia aja :3

and hiihihihihihi i have zee avi album juga loch :3


3. Bishop Allen

4. Grimes

5. Noah and The Whale

6. Lana Del Rey
7. Kings of Convenience
8. Feist
9. Now, Now Every Children
10. The Smiths
11. M.ward
12. Regina Spektor
13. Sugar & Gold
14. Father John Misty
15. Shimmering Stars
16. Dr. Dog
17. Superdrag
18. The Bird and The Bee
19. Russian Red
20. Mesita
21. Mr Little Jeans
22. Neon Indian
23. The Monkees
24. Acid House Kings
25. Faded Paper Figures
26. Snowmine
27.Wake! Owl
28. Capital cities
29. Erin Marshall
30. Non Tiq
31. Kathryn Ostenberg
32. etccccccccccccccccc ♥

list diatas itu adalah sebagian dari my fav indie band hehe. you should search them on youtube and listen their song. i swearrrr you'll like themmmm!!! (ofc if u like indie too)
kalau you mau rekomendasi indie band lain, pleaseee give some comments in the box below! ok?!

so, i hope you enjoy my post.
if you have any question, ask me, i'll answer your question (of course!!) http://www.formspring.me/vennychandraa and follow my twitter http://twitter.com/vennychandraa
i'll talk to you guys later. bonjourne! <3
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My favorite make-up product!

J'appelle Venny Chandra
Je suis indonesienne
Je suis belle
HAHAHAHA *norak dikit abis belajar bahasa prancis*

HALLOOOOO i'm gonna talking about my favorite make up product! sebenarnya ga semuanya gw tulis disini sih.... tapi beberapa make up product aja yang selalu gw pake untuk kuliah (yang umum2).
sorry yahhh my photos nanti so narsis hahaha. soalnya habis norak nyobain tripod baru hehe.
dan gw juga kasih linknya so you bisa liat langsung dari websitenya langsung:)
so, hope you enjoy and useful for you (klo you masih binggung mau beli make up product apa)

 i wear this lipstick like every second pas kuliah hahaha
this lipstick called Rosy Nude 065 by Revlon

this is called Tawny Red by Revlon
sorry about the picture. tapi sihhhh warnanya sama yahhhh
soalnya i googled it, and yang keluar tawny peach semua
jadi tawny peach similar with tawny red, i guess????
I LOVE THIS BLUSH ON so muccchhhh much much much much much ok i'll stop using 'much' word *ehem*
habis pake blush on ini muka jadi keliatan fresh gimana gitu ihik!
 and yes, the brush, i love it too, bobbi brown face blender brush!

ow ow ow this is not a nude lipstick girlsss. this is PhotoReady Concealer 02 by Revlon!
concealer ini hasilnya bukan matte tapi shimmery gitu. so be careful girls kalo mau pake ke kuliah, soalnya you ga mau look so blink blink blink kann?? so tips gw, habis pake this concealer, pake bedak, biar not really blink blink gituuu :)

maybelline terkenal banget sama mascaranya yang oke banget. setuju juga kan girls?
this is The Magnum Volum Express uda jadi my favorite since SHS.
tapi sekarang gw lagi coba yang Volum Express the Falsies juga sih hehe
here you go
 you should try this. ini juga bagus banget. sikatnya yang elastis gitu hehe jadi bisa sambil buat main. *nahloh?!*

the last but not the least, my favoriteee everrrrrrrrrrrrr NYX retractable eyeliner.
kalau untuk kuliah, i always put my eyeliner below the lash line. soalnya lebih terlihat simple dan ga heboh.
dan you tau kan kalo below the lash line itu cepet basah and suka beleber kemana2?
but this eyeliner nga begitu!!
pasti luntur sihhhh... tapi cuma kayak serpihan2 gitu ga sampe beleber2 gitu.
lap pake tissue juga beres hahahaha
soooooo love thisssssssssssssss!!!! ♥

so yeah, hope you enjoy my post.
if you have any question, ask me, i'll answer your question (of course!! i always online 24hours. lebay eh?!) http://www.formspring.me/vennychandraa
ANDDD follow my twitter http://twitter.com/vennychandraa
i'll talk to you guys later. cao! <3

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

College week in photos!

hi everyone! hope you guys have a beautiful days!!
gw udah beberapa minggu mengikuti academic orientation sampai minggu ini udah officially kuliah! YEYYY!! i'm having so much fun!!! here's some snapshots of my college week. ENJOY!

traffic jam at binus so i took some picture lehhh hihihi

me. metta. cindy. elma. tiara

my besties, my bitches! hihi. irvan and metta! <3

with metta suryadi eneng from bogor ihik <3

me. erine. priscillia

@ Lounge Binus
waiting for my brother and did some random picture hahaha XD


 *perbesar foto*
HAHAHA yes! this is my everyday college make up!
just put some eyeliner, eyebrow, concealer, blush on, and lipstick!
keep it simple <3

so yeah, hope you enjoy my post.
if you have any question (or curious about meeee *wink*), ask me, i'll answer your question (of course!!) http://www.formspring.me/vennychandraa
follow my twitter http://twitter.com/vennychandraa
or follow my instagram hihihi!!! @vennychacha
i'll talk to you guys later. cao! <3
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eyes make up

that days was a lazy days so i did make up. sorry for my annoying messy hair and annoying chubby cheek.

basically, i wore:
Phythogenic Concealer Face Shop
Pink 510 Revlon ColorStay eyeshadow
Naked UrbanDecay eyeshadow
Dark Brown PAC eyebrows
Magnum Volum Express Maybelline
Black Eyeliner Gel Maybelline
Black NYX Eyeliner
Rosy Nude Revlon Lipstick

so yeah, hope you enjoy "asal-asalan" make up post.
if you have any question about make-up, ask me, i'll answer your question (of course!!) http://www.formspring.me/vennychandraa (anyway i already answer some question from you, so, check them out?)
or follow my twitter http://twitter.com/vennychandraa
i'll talk to you guys later. cao! <3

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

7 must have items for fall

give applause for FASHION POST! YEAAAAAA <3<3<3
*okay too much hahahaha XD
so, today, kita berbicara tentang fall fashion trend. 'must have' fall fashion itu apa aja sih? check them out (;

biasa yang gw liat akhir2 ini adalah abstract pattern, aztec, tribal, flower tapi bukan flower yg warna ceria, lebih ke warna yg deep/dark.

 it's fall not summer! no more neon colors, girls!  jadi biasa warnanya itu yang gelap2. terutama yang sering gw liat akhir2 ini adalah maroon (kayaknya terinspirasi dari daun yang berguguran biasa warna deep red gitu kan ya, right?) :)

U neck or V neck it's okay (;

yeahhh, i knew it this is not summer but hey they are still pretty omg!

yeah, it's too weird kalau pake di indonesia ya? hahaha tapi ini trend di luar sana loh (;
so, yay or nay? are you dare to wear them at indonesia?

i like this omg omg omg omg. i have one with blue dark and blue light ombrenya.

hahaha ini mengingatkan gw sama lana del ray. she is so pretty! i love her songs very muchhh! <3

so yeah, hope you enjoy my post.

if you have any question, ask me http://www.formspring.me/vennychandraa (anyway i already answer some question from you, so, check them out?)
or follow my twitter http://twitter.com/vennychandraa
i'll talk to you guys later. cao! <3
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beach style nail?

red, blue, green, pink, orange, *ada lagi gak yang belom di sebutin?* ohyaaaa!!! YELLOOOWWW!!!
what's up everyone? how's ur day? hope you guys have a great day! :)
yes, dari judulnya post kali ini tentang NAIL.
kemaren iseng banget sangking ga ada kerjaan, bikin kutek gitu yang terinspirasi dari Michelle Phan (my pretty youtube gurus). here they are look like :


ignore my ugly nail, okay?

dannn, ini alat dan bahannya:

blue navy, white, yellow, transparan buat finishingnya, and eiffel tower? lol i'm just kidding
semuanya dari THE FACE SHOP nail polish


kertas, karton, blablabla whatever boleh kok :)

nah ini langkah2nya:
1. tuang or di polish aja kuteknya ke kertas. dikit aja its okay. semua warna ya (biru, kuning, putih)
2. pake tusuk gigi, ambil kuteknya dikit2, terus taruh di kuku, taruhnya random its okay. semua warna pake satu tusuk gigi juga oke. makin berantakan makin bagus kok!
3. setelah kuku kita warnanya uda messy banget. biarin kering. agak lama yaaaaaaaa soalnya masih mau polish transparan colour itu buat coatnya
4. setelah kering, polish transparan coat-nya, lalu dibiarkan mengering.
5. VOILAAAAA ur beach style nail ready to go!

selamat mencoba, goodluck, and have a nice day!

if you have any question, ask me http://www.formspring.me/vennychandraa (anyway i already answer some question from you, so, check them out?)
or follow my twitter http://twitter.com/vennychandraa

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